Ascension Therapy

Ascension Therapy Logo

what we do

therapeutic philosophy

Welcome to Ascension Therapy, we are so glad that you’re here. We believe that every person possesses the ability to overcome obstacles, restore their health, and transform their lives. Our job is to provide you with the necessary tools to promote these positive changes. We view counseling from the lens of self-care – not to be seen as mending of the broken, but a forging of the strong. Just like the mythical phoenix, our hope is to help you transform into a new and stronger version of self. If you decide to take this leap of faith, we promise to be here to catch you.

our services


PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD can develop after a person experiences a traumatic event that is beyond a typical stressor.


Trauma is any emotional response to a terrible or tragic event.


Grief is any intense/acute feeling(s) that accompany a loss, including death or even the loss of a relationship.



Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. (NIH)


We all suffer with occasional anxiety, but it becomes a problem when it is intense and persistent, oftentimes becoming worse over time.

Who We Help


Individuals who are 18 years or older.


Individuals who are between the ages of 13 and 17 years old.


Two individuals in a committed or defined relationship.

about me

meet Vanessa Aasletten

I don’t know if you have ever felt this way, but I sometimes wish my life choices could have been different. When I find myself reflecting on all of those decisions, mistakes, and victories, I start to realize that everything I am is because of every single one of those choices. Whether they were good, bad, or seemingly neutral, they led me to becoming a therapist and that is one of the greatest blessings in my world.

Vanessa Aasletten
DFW Child : Mom Approved


excellence in Counseling

Our Services


In Person

We would love to meet with you in person, at our luxury offices, conveniently located in Fort Worth, Texas. 


We offer HIPAA compliant online counseling sessions through Simple Practice as well.


Blog post

“A Woman with Many Hats” by: Vanessa C. Aasletten, MS, LPC, NCC

A post about the many “hats” a modern woman is required to wear.

“Beast of Many Burdens” by: Vanessa C. Aasletten, MS, LPC, NCC

A post about the role of SHAME in everyday life.

“Beauty in the Brokenness” by: Vanessa C. Aasletten, MS, LPC, NCC

A post about a broken woman who found hope in the scars.


our location

Our Address

Ascension Therapy
4200 S. Hulen Street., Ste 519
Fort Worth, TX 76109

Phone Number

(817) 898-4357