Ascension Therapy

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Beast of Many Burdens

A post about the role of SHAME in everyday life.

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what to write for our blog post this week.  When I take a moment to sit and feel everything I am currently experiencing in my life, I end up with a blank. When I feel this way, it can be difficult for me to use my right brain.  Right brain, being another way of saying emotional and creative self.  It happens sometimes, without any real awareness on my part.  Maybe it comes when I feel overwhelmed unappreciated, stressed, or a litany of other negative feelings that bubble up on a daily basis. Maybe it is part of a natural cycle we all go through and experience.  Who knows?  Whatever causes it or precipitates the shift, it can really reap havoc on my personal relationships. 

After I sit and reflect on all of these feelings, I usually end up giving shame the spotlight. I feel ashamed for being disconnected from my emotions. I feel shame for being capable of helping others to heal, but lacking the ability to heal myself.  I then proceed to go down the inevitable rabbit-hole of shame, fear, frustration, and anger until I hit bottom. Am I the only one who ends up all the way down here?

What a shame.

When I feel disconnected and numb on a personal level, it can be so hard to hold the energy it takes to even have a conversation with my husband.  The poor man just wants some attention. He has had a long day of slaying dragons, but his wife has been slaying her own dragons and she simply doesn’t have anything left to give.

What a shame.

I try to give my clients 110% of my energy and attention.  For some reason, counseling my clients does not drain me of energy, but rather infuses me with it.  I often think about the dichotomy between personal relationships and the counseling relationship. One feels so taxing, while the other fills my cup. Why is it that the people I love most in the world (hubby & son) are often the people I struggle the most to connect with on a daily basis?  It is not for a lack of love or interest.  Maybe it is because they are both a reflection of me.  When I am forced to see myself through my family’s eyes, sometimes the picture isn’t pretty.  I have no trouble extending grace to everyone around me, but if you ask me to forgive myself, that is an entirely different story.

What a shame. 

I often teach my clients to “get in touch” with their feelings. I attempt to create a safe space where they are able to practice holding their own emotions. This seems quite simple from the outside looking in, but in reality, it is a difficult and complex process. Difficult because emotions can be incredibly uncomfortable, not to mention downright scary. Complex because emotions are not just a simple label,   but an entire web of sensations, feelings, shifts, memories, and neural connections.  For example, when shame creeps up and shows its ugly face, I often begin to feel anger.  I may notice physical changes, such as an increase in my heart rate, sweaty palms, and flushed skin. I may go from feeling physically weak to incredibly strong.  I may recall a memory where I lost control when I was angry. Then, all of the sudden, my sensations are highjacked and before I know it, I am afraid.  This fear leads me to a total loss of control, which leads me right back to, you guessed it, SHAME. I cannot seem to outrun or outthink this beast of a burden.

What a shame.

Maybe it isn’t about outrunning shame, but about gaining mastery over it instead. Learning to channel all of my negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Beginning to lift myself up when I feel beaten down. Realizing I possess all of the necessary tools to change my own thinking, thus changing my emotional responses. The human brain is an incredibly complex and ever-changing organ. It has the ability to rewire and create completely new pathways. In other words, I don’t have to be a slave to my previous patterns of behavior. I can choose new responses, new memories, new sensations, and new emotions, making all of my neurons simultaneously fire together. Neurons that fire together, wire together.  I get to be master of my own destiny and you have the ability to do the exact same thing.

No more shame!